Vibranium: The First Social Economic Network Built on the Blockchain
Why Vibranium?
- African-Americans’ median wealth is 10% of Whites
- Projections show that by 2053 50% of African-American households will have a net worth of 0 or less.
- Africa is the poorest continent with GDP of $1,860 per capita versus $49,430 in North America.
The inequity in the global financial system drives the economic disparities that exist in America and the lack of economic progress in Africa. African-American and African contribution to content creation, trend-making and influence has not translated into ownership and wealth-building. In the U.S. only 1.9% of media is owned by African-Americans. Despite the incredible wealth and resources of the United States attempts to improve the system and narrow the wealth gap have not been successful.
Vibranium is technology’s answer to economic injustice
We are building a network that revolutionizes how we think about community, influence and wealth using web3 technology. We are bringing together a network of entrepreneurs, vendors, consumers and creatives that will work together to build wealth, generate capital and fund businesses and communities across the globe. Vibranium is committed to returning the Power to the People, Going off the Grid and making tools that allow for self-governance and empowerment.
The Vibranium Network will build a self-sovereign community of Africans and African-Americans who combined, have $3 Trillion in spending power.
By 2050 around 2.2 Billion people will be added to the global population, and more than half of that growth will occur in Africa (+1.3 Billion people). Much of Africa’s population boom will come from Nigeria, currently the world’s 7th most populous country. By 2050, Nigeria will become the world’s third largest country by population exceeding the United States. Africa is the youngest continent in the world (60% of population is below 25 years old). By 2050 ~45% of all people under the age of 25 will live on the African continent. Cryptocurrency provides a significant opportunity to control inflation, stabilize the value of goods and services across Africa and plug its creativity and entrepreneurship into the US.
Vibranium token gives you access to...
- Access to influencers and their extensive networks
- Access to “Dark Social” content sharing
- Vibranium community members will share content and earn bounties resulting in tokens being added to their wallets
Commerce – Access and Discounts
- Access to exclusive content
- Access to exclusive products and services
- Access to information/knowledge
- Group buying discounts
- Loan/Grant Applications
- Vendor Applications
- Retail Positioning Application
- Loan/Grant Recipients
- Vendor Applications
- Retail Positioning Applications
Staking Rejected Applications
- Rejected applications can be staked with tokens to affect a reversal of the rejection. All in favor will stake tokens versus all against. Winning group keeps the tokens staked.
How it works
The Vibranium Network is a decentralized closed loop economy powered by web3 technology.
VCentral – Central vault held in a non-profit entity that will issue tokens –total supply capped at 1BB. For every two tokens purchased, one token will be added to the VCapital pool.
Three Key Pillars
VFluence – Influence is the natural resource of this economy – the true value of influence will be monetized by the community
VCommerce – A global marketplace of goods and services. The Amazon equivalent for the community…controlled by the community who decides which vendors are added
VCapital – Provides economic stimulus to businesses and communities through loans and grants approved by the community
On the Vibranium Network you can earn Vibranium tokens as an influencer that shares content to your followers. These tokens will have been staked by brand owners and content creators who want to promote their product, information or service to the Vibranium community (Vfluence). An influencer can then use the tokens they earned to purchase goods and services from vendors who were approved by the community (VCommerce). This same influencer can apply for a loan or grant to grow their business or to support a community project. The community will vote on the application and decide which businesses and projects get funded (VCapital).
VBX is an ERC-20 token with a fixed supply that is managed and distributed by a series of smart contracts serving the following functions:
- Supply (VBX Token) – minting of initial token supply and subsequent burning of tokens used for transaction fees
- Financing (VCapital) – business loans and grants whose recipients are chosen by holders of the VBX token
- Rewards (VFluence) – Tokens earned on the network by participating in bounties, which are timed prompts to promote specific pieces of content, information, products, or events
- Purchasing (VCommerce) – Tokens exchanged for goods and services.
The Vibranium Network is powered by VBX. We intend to lay the foundation while looking towards a future where like-minded developers and entrepreneurs will be able to extend the platform with their own applications. To that end we’re building general-use functions that support current and future development:
- Voting system (VFinance) – Allows an initial election that gives equal weight to anyone in possession of VBX token as well as an appeal system that allows holders to stake their tokens in favor (or against) previously denied proposals.
- Dynamic pricing system (VCommerce) – Offers vendors the ability to denominate prices in a pegged currency and calculate the exchange rate dynamically at the point of sale.
VCentral is a non-profit entity that will issue tokens. For every 2 tokens purchased, one token will be added to the VCapital pool.
Vibranium Token Supply
Vibranium Token Supply Over Time
Every community has a culture. Culture defines how a community acts, what it values and what it creates. In the age of infinite information, transformation creates awareness.
How does the culture claim the value it creates? The Vibranium Network helps people to measure, pool, and sell their influence.
We built a smart-contract that measures the performance of content shared through direct messaging.
Bigger than influencers
Yearly spend on user influencer content promotion (2025 projection) is $40 Billion. Small scale social interactions are fueled by compelling content. Person to person sharing of original content drives more action than traditional marketing campaigns. And we’re not even tracking most of it.
The online attention economy is inefficient
Only 30% of web traffic can be traced to major social networks and search engines. That means 70% percent of sharing and content discovery happens on what is called “Dark Social”. Dark Social = content shared through email, text and messaging apps. The estimated size of the current online ad market by 2025 is $982 billion. The potential value of accessing Dark Social is greater than $1 trillion.
Africa + African-American Annual Consumption Is $3.0T
Africa+ African-American Annual Consumption Ranks #4 In The World
Commerce using Vibranium as currency will be comprised of the following:
1. Content Purchases
Video content, movies, information, music, books and stories.
2. Retail Purchases
Products purchased through a Vibranium retail marketplace:
- Discounts on bulk purchased products
- Products manufactured by African and African-American entrepreneurs
- Products endorsed or created by Africans and African Americans
3. Vibranium-Only Products
Products that will require a Vibranium token to gain access.
4. Vibranium Services Marketplace
Services provided by Africans and African-Americans.
5. Information and Knowledge for the Vibranium community
VCommerce will allow African and African- American vendors to build distribution for product categories where Black dollars over index such as:
- Hair & Beauty
- Fragrances
- Personal Care
50% of Vibranium Token value will be added to the Capital reserve. The Vibranium community approves loans to African and African American owned businesses through a decentralized voting system. The community also approves grants for community-based non-profit organizations that build infrastructure or provide direct services in areas including health, education, housing, job training, and justice.
Vibranium Capital will issue over $1.8B in Loans and Grants over 10 Years
Why Vibranium? (Part 2)
Vibranium will appeal to established affinity groups and communities that are seeking economic justice for African and African-American communities
- Hip Hop Community – Hip Hop has always represented economic empowerment and uplifting your community
- Buy Black movement - started in America by Marcus Garvey in 1916 and has continued to take different forms since then. Today you have many social media affinity groups that support Black economic empowerment
- Black Lives Matters – the growth of this movement has brought the reality of systemic racism to Main Street. Systemic solutions are difficult to achieve within the current system
- Own your Value – African American producers and creators have struggled with getting paid cents on the dollar for their creations which dominate pop culture
- African empowerment movements and a desire for a greater connection to African Americans are continuing to grow as the population in Africa and particularly young Africans explodes
Modern Monetary Theory Increases Racial Wealth Gaps
By 2011, the government owed $1.6 trillion, maxing out at $2.5 trillion in 2014. On March 23, 2020, the FOMC expanded QE purchases to an unlimited amount. By May 18, its balance sheet had grown to $7 trillion. Increased money supply drives asset values up and rewards those that already hold assets such as stocks, bonds and real estate.
U.S. Avg Net Worth Gap By Race Is Significant
Africa’s GDP Per Capita is the lowest and North America is 25X higher
African-American Business Ownership In The U.S.
African American business ownership remains on the rise and is continually increasing, growth has been incremental. In 2014, African Americans owned 2% of U.S.-based companies. In 2017, this figure inched to 3.5%. Despite this increase, Black-owned businesses continue to lag behind that of whites and other minorities in terms of market share. In 2017, white-owned businesses accounted for 81% of all U.S. companies, with Asian- and Hispanic-owned firms comprising 9.7% and 5.8% of the market share, respectively.
African-American Labor Force Participation Is Projected to Continue to Decline
Many Africans Lack Access to their Existing Financial System
Crypto has been most widely adopted in Nigeria
Other Projects Have Claimed Decentralization Without Building A Large Community of Token Holders
Large Institutional Holders and Wealthy Individuals Dominate the Ownership and Control Of Similar Crypto Projects
Vibranium Timeline
June 2019
- Influencer smart contract built and tested
June 2020
- Instagram: @VibraniumGold
- Facebook: @Vibranium
May 2021
- Early Access List Opened
- Telegram Page Launched: @Vibranium Network
January 2022
- Vibranium token minted on chain
- Vibranium.Network website launch
- Discord launch
April-Sept 2022
- Full-time Dev team hired
- Launch Beta App for the Vfluence pillar
- Beta for Vcapital pillar and Vcommerce pillar launched
- Youtube Launch
- Bi-weekly community live events launched
Oct-Dec 2022
- Early Access public token sales begin
- Launch Vibranium Network 1.0